According to the notice from Jiangsu Provincial Government, the Distinguished Scholarship is set up for International Students to award international students who are friendly to China and excel in overall performance. This scholarship is now open for application.
I.Applicant Eligibility & Scholarship Quota
International students who are studying in the 2nd year or above. In 2021, the college can recommend 7 candidates.Students whose study period has been extended cannot apply.
II. Scholarship Standard
The scholarship offers one-time reward: RMB 10000.
III.Application Documents/Materials Requirement
Materials List:
No.1. Jiangsu Provincial Government Distinguished Scholarship for International Students Application Form (please submit in Excel format, see attachment I);
No.2. The complete academic transcript during the whole study period;
No.3. Scanned copy of HSK certificate (if any);
No.4. Other supporting materials (note: MUST be received within present degree study period):
1) Certificate for paper publication(first author only)and retrieval, paper acceptance(first author only)notification (other documents are not accepted as supporting materials) or proof of participation in the publication of book chapters;
2) Certificate for national and provincial award or patent;
3) Certificate for other kinds of awards;
4) Participation for university events /social practices in China (photos, certificates etc.).
No.5. Recommendation Form of Jiangsu Provincial Government Scholarship for the Distinguished International Students. (See attachment II) filled by head teacher from your major college, with theapprovalsignaturefrom the International Student Affairs Office and thestampfrom School of International Education.
Application Requirement:
When submitting application, please put three files in ONEcompressed ZIPfile (No bigger than 5 MB):
1. The filled Application formin EXCELfile(No.1).
2. All the other required documents inONE PDFfile(No.2-4).
4. Recommendation Form inPDFfile (No.5)
Please send email,and the Email name and ZIP file name should all be your “Student ID+ Chinese Name”.
IV.Selection Procedure
The college will adopt the process of individual application, school recommendation, college review and public review to determine the recommended candidates. The detailed procedure is as follows:
1. The student needs to honestly fill in theJiangsu Provincial Government Distinguished Scholarship for International Students Application Form;
2. The student needs to submit all the required documents Dec. 22, 2021;
3. Based on the result of the comments from the expert committee, the college will determine the initially selected candidates who will be posted for public review.
Application Deadline: 17:00 Dec. 22, 2021
Contacts:Mr Jiang
School of International Education
December 17, 2021